Where Finnow waters through the fields wind slow
And near the bridge into Blackwater flow.
The brown haired one her eyes blue as the sky
On a sunny Summer’s day in mid July
And her happy warm smile a thing of joy
And she always greet you with a friendly hi.
When chaffinch sings to greet the dawn of day
And wildering flowers bloom in the fields of May
The one with hair brown as the mountain hare
Hums to herself an old familiar air.
The bluebell and the snowdropp white as snow
Bloom on the bank beside the green hedgerow
And in their feathery nest cloaked in a ball of hay
The baby sparrows chirping all the day.
And the brown haired one from Drtishane in Millstreet
Near where the Finnow and Blackwater meet
Walks in the fields decked with the flowers of Spring
And where all around the wild birds chirp and sing.

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