In the freezing blustery winter night
The shivering trees stay huddled and tight
Stars have lined up in the sky
With cotton clouds swiftly sailing by
The moon light seeping through the veil
Makes the foliage glisten in the dale
Sharp noises sounding eerie
Leave the valley a place so scary
These sounds parley in a tongue unknown
Of gory tales, so far to none ever known
Did some cannibal tribe ever congregate
In this nether territory to live segregate
What midnight revels had they once held
No one knows and history stays so cold
Now, amid thickets and thorny shrubs
Wherein darkness, like a Fiend proudly struts
And in leaf fringed corners and crevices wide
Serpents coil with poisonous fangs in hide
Look, the sly fox walking stealthily away
After feeding greedily on his hapless prey,
Through the ravine and down the furrow
How he sneaks into his covert burrow
The glassy brook that mirrored the skies
Now in dark, under a thick blanket lies
But the water rushing through pebbles and rocks
With sonorous music, the nightly calm breaks
Among the branches of towering trees
Birds have perched and roost in peace
Little birdies with downy feathers
Cuddle under their mothers’ splayed wings
From far off woods comes a shrieking howl
As frightening as the hoots of an eagle owl
Wind rushing through needle pines
Sounds like a child when he in pain whines
Now the valley sleeps in muffled din
Until the Sun for his ritual parades in
In day light the valley would be up and awake
And life, for sure, will a renewed turn take

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