Where they make their nests.
As a welcoming of squirrels,
Gather with an assortment of insects.
And they seem to accept this as home.
The grass and the flowers bloom,
From the ground.
And nature at ‘her’ best…
Is observed all around.
Providing them a home.
Animals we learn to call by different names…
Seem to enjoy roaming freely,
In simplistic settings.
Sharing with few boundaries claimed.
And being there,
At home.
Do we as human beings feel out of place?
Rejecting a diversity,
That challenges nature’s grace?
Do we seek a progress,
That erases to eliminate…
A naturalness that comes with change.
With attempts we make to remain the same?
To settle on patches of dirt…
And branding what belongs to us!
To chase away trespassers…
Who come with aims to make their gains.
Unable to accept who we are…
In the hopes to find a cure,
For our insecurities endured!
In a stagnant advancement.
Procured to suffer our own rejection.
And there is no place to call home…
Where peace is released!
In conflict with what is presented.
Done without our consent.
Although researched with documents!
With wishes to perfect…
What is witnessed.
And yet we expect…
Our desires not to be denied!
We try to find rest!
But our hearts and minds,
Wont let us…
Be free to just be!
Or digest a united purpose.
And feel,
Inside of us…
A home already given.

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