Both arms moving with long space
competition to reach out and win the race
It has served for period that can be called very long
it never erred and showed the time wrong
it is always nice to see her arms move
no one can dare her to remove
As every living thing has destined hour
the same can happen with others
the long journey can come to an end
the last message is received as sent
Both the arms are closing on at last moment
They are struck with no movement
The expiry is over and no possible sign of revival
It is confirmed there is no more survival
A person may run through out his carrier
he may not care for any barrier
he wont wait for any disruption
now time has come for final interruption
It has relevance even today
Now both arms are not crossing the way
They are struct at a place as they are
The distance is increased to remain very far
The clock will be removed from its place
either it may remain vacant or be replaced
it may be remembered for more time to come
the change or replacement may be always welcome
The head of the family may occupy highest position
he might have maintained very good composition
he will be long remembered for his contribution
as he never discriminated in any distribution
His goodness will be recalled and narrated
the body will be laid to rest or cremated
he will remain in mind as noble and humble person
he deserved it for very simple reason
Who knows when the end will come?
it may be faced bravely by some
there may be dreaded fear for death
the relative may lay the flowers as wreath
It is easy to make the promises
the ill health gives the speculations to rise
if some one does not turn up or fails to deliver
all may turn on him and act as disbeliever
It is always good to stand for the words
one must be careful and look forward
there is no alloted time for anything
it may be removed from the scene and go missing
The death is deadly weapon
everybody is feared there upon
no one may want to leave the work unfinished
it may be his life dream before being perished

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