Lying in a topsy-turvy state,
Making it a medley of all,
What his poetic thought and idea,
Imagination and content
With regard to poetic composition
And creation
Not clear about that
What he wants to say,
What he wants make us comprehend
Rather mixing metaphysics with poetry,
Poetry with philosophy
And it all.
A writer anecdotal and autobiographical
He strives to catch the moments of poesy
And its hectic activity
Of creativity engaging
When the imagination is gone,
Fancy fled and gone away
Just like a tryst with a celestial blonde
He wants to capture, capture them
The moments of poetic imagination,
Gripping with fever and frenzy,
But his terse vocabulary, confused statement,
Pastiche, quotation and allusion hinder from,
Hinder from comprehending him in full
As a critic, a poet-critic.