And though their works benefited others and they became famed Worldwide
Were they that different to others they lived for awhile and they died?
And what of success and of failure it matters only in the end
If at heart you are a good person and to someone you are a good friend
Success is based too much on one’s financial successes and some tend to overlook if that person a he or a she
Has cheated others out of money to better themselves financially.
Great actors, scientists, athletes and leaders people honoured in story and rhyme
Are after all only mere mortals they all become victims of time
Like Autumn leaves in the flooded river that have fallen from their mother tree
That journey to their destination the bed of the saltwater sea.
But if you can respect other people and learn how to receive and give
And to others not feel superior and learn how to live and let live
Then though you only may be a mere mortal no different ‘twould seem to the rest
At least your life it has been worth-while as one can only do their best.

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