He has built his home three storied brick by brick
And as its owner he is proud of whereas till date i have none
I would salute him had I knew not
One day it would develop cracks and fade
And then crumble down and break
Say, within hundred years in the air it will vanish away
Then comes a little flower of spring
And tells me as none tells me before
Look, how I have bloomed
And bees are going mad around seeing my beauty
Whereas around you i don’t see even a butterfly
I wished I could congratulate her but I can’t
As i know autumn is not too far way
So soon her petals will fall with pattering sound
And the bees will move away with a slightest hint of a storm
I am a fool if I think they know not all these
But consciously they made themselves
What they are as they know they are worthless
And ignorantly know not
What I am making here on this page words by words
That could surpass the worth a kingdom and
At a time equal to blooming of thousand flowers
And its smell and beauty is confined only to few yards
But could spread and reach each corner of lands worldwide
And could last few centuries
Or could last till the civilization ends.

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