As subscribers-cum-contributors,
Aspiring to be reviewer-poets
And many of them rhymers, poetasters, non-poets and commoners,
Wanting to be the men of literature,
The common-common men
Writing commonly
The editor an Indian guru
And the subscribers his chelas in the ashrama
And all taking ganja, smoking in
Through the chillum
The poet and the critic and the poet-critic
All thinking themselves, great poets,
Great poets of India,
Never to be born after,
Difficult to find alike
But the poetaster editor editing the journal as for
To promote his own poetry under the pretext of editing,
Serving literature selflessly
And the subscriber subscribing as for to
Get his things published in the small journal
To be a paper-writer or an official critic or a poet
The editor has not even a collection of poems
And the subscriber collecting the scattered poems
For writing a paper on his poetry
To be published in his journal or friendly ones
And the poetaster editor too feeling himself a great boss,
A connoisseur of literary art.

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