About her ex husband Rosita don’t have any good things to say
The day that they parted forever for her was her happiest day
His first name she told me but I’ve forgotten it’s something
that sounded like ‘rig’
She’s sorry now she ever met him and she still refers to him
as ‘pig’
She bore him three sons now in their prime on looking back the years seemed to fly
The youngest in his mid to late twenties not that long ago
was a boy
But the years have not wearied Rosita her sharp sense of wit
still intact
And one can’t help but laugh at her stories as she mixes fiction with fact.
The loves of Rosita if written would make for an interesting book
She had a few brief flings of passion though in love she never knew luck
Since she sent her ex husband packing and that was two decades ago
She’s had a few lovers not many and not one true love out
of them seemed to grow.
With a dark haired Spaniard little ‘Seve’ she once had the
briefest affair
But by the love bug he was bitten and he followed her every-where
She kept telling him it was over and to him she made herself
But he was in love with Rosita and such words did not wish to hear.
Like a naughty but a faithful puppy from where she was he was not far away
She warned him not to pursue her but her orders he would not
Till finally he got the message and it shattered him when it sank in
That she was not to be his woman and her love he never could win.
She then had a fling with tall Teddy a man who was fond of his beer
And when she told him it was over out of her life he did not
If she had so wished she could have sued him for libel as he
spoke without stopping to think
For he could not accept rejection and his brains had been
pickled from drink.
But he finally too got the message and from her life he too
did depart
And time perhaps healed his bruised ego and eased the love ache in his heart
He too was in love with Rosita and love’s ache can last for more than a year
And perhaps tall Teddy in his local for lost love still weeps in his beer.
For many years she had strong feelings for one of her favourite love’s Pete
But he was a liar she will tell you and in his heart there was deceit
She found out that he was unfaithful and she told him it’s
over goodbye
He’d played his last game with her feelings and to her he would never more lie.
He brought her flowers she threw them out the window and they carried in the strong breeze
And for a few weeks her last memories of Pete were dangling from the nearby trees
Another affair was in tatters another man from her life gone
But now she can look back with laughter and tell you that life must go on.
She recalls the day after her wedding she just felt like running away
Their honeymoon started off badly they argued quite a bit that day
The evening did not bring much passion it ended in an argument
She disagreed with him quite strongly on where they might put up their tent.
He was not one who was cool headed and often into tantrums he flew
And one day in a fit of bad temper their bed out the window
he threw
And another time whilst he was painting he flung the tin of paint to the ground
And the babies clothes destroyed on the clothes line when the paint went splattering around.
She admits he was a good worker but she wished he had more
brains than brawn
And he always clocked in for work on time for he left the
bed at ‘crack of dawn’
I could detect a double meaning for she said that with a smirk and a grin
She is not the first or won’t be the last woman to have known some terrible men.
The day that they parted she laughed loud to see him go she was not sad
He then had an affair with a young one he was old enough to
be her dad
And Rosita just got on with her life you can’t keep a good woman down
And she always walks with her head high whenever she’s out on the town.
The loves of Rosita if written would certainly make a good book
It would be something worth re-reading worth more than a glance or a look
And now she can look back in laughter as she mixes fiction
with fact
And her humour is fresher than ever and her sharp sense of wit is intact.

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