Addicted to alcohol on poverty street
He searches the rubbish bins for something to eat.
He has been a street kid since he was fourteen
And only the hardest of times he has seen
Kicked out on the street by his drunken step dad
A happy hour in his life he’s never had.
Just twenty one years old approaching his prime
But he looks much older he’s known a hard time
And how can one blame him for his lack of success
The poor fellow born at the poor side address.
Just a bum to many that’s how he appear
He begs for the price of a six pack of beer
He works in the odd low paid job and he lives for the booze
One judged harshly by those who have not lived in his shoes.
A pauper who lives in the poor side of Town
With few to build him up and many to drag him down
A victim one might say of harsh circumstance
At success he did not have much of a chance.

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