An old man who looks tired and wrinkled that father time has left silver gray
You handsome young males and young females my lot will be your lot one day.
Young man with the big bulging biceps you should make the most of your prime
You may yet wear anti ageing creams and use hair dyes but you cannot fool father time
Those huge biceps with age will grow smaller though your better days you may recall
You will have lost your appeal to young women for time it takes care of us all.
Young woman in your early twenties with soft skin and soft golden hair
As you walk down the street in your tight slacks the young blokes at you stand and stare
But time it ticks by far too quickly and time of you too will take care
And your once beautiful and well curved body will show the signs of wear and tear.
The years for me have gone too quickly and the years will go quickly for you
And the things I could do in my twenties are things that I now cannot do
I’m out of breath now after a brief walk and my fastest pace now rather slow
I was stronger and I could move faster but that seems a long time ago.
The mirror that hangs on the wall of my bedroom I try not to gaze into of late
For each time I look at my reflection my ego begins to deflate
For I have grown older and grayer and I do not like what I see
And you handsome young males and young females you too will be one day like me.

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