And sparrows in the sunshine chirp on the young pine trees
And there is a sort of freshness in the freshening coastal breeze.
The morning is bright and sunny in the old coastal town
And the cars on the esplanade slowly driving up and down
In the quiet southern coastal towns there are many days like these
Sunshine and birdsong in the parks and a freshening coastal breeze.
The morning is bright and sunny and the southern sky is blue
And all around on the sunlit trees I hear the town pigeons coo
And silver gulls are mewing on the sand dunes by the sea
And where people live you also have the wildborn and the free.
The morning is bright and sunny and not a rain cloud in the sky
And the lorikeets are chirping as from tree to tree they fly
And the terrier with his master on the beach chase the gulls who take to flight
And saltwater waves lap on the shore in the beautiful sunlight.

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