Everyday, new discoveries.
Of all Life, you are the Star.
Who can your many secrets decipher?
Who can your tumultuous beginnings understand?
Lightening, thunder, active, volcanic wonder
To navigate new heights,
From chaos came creative light,
From barren to full Life,
Reaching unknown heights,
Where once there was nothing
Now so much living might!
Oh Earth, Dearest Earth,
Mother to all living things,
Cradle to the miracle where Life begins,
Home of all the Flora, bright and green,
Of spacious oceans that by day do flow,
And sing to joyous night, when Earth is kissed
By never ending flowing tides of bliss.
Our Earth,
Mother of all mothers that give birth,
Thank you for your many gracious gifts,
For all the good, the beauty that in you exists
For being life’s great miracle
For caring and sustaining us as mothers do
And we know, so gratefully, as we grow
That we will always owe our fragile lives to you.

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