And young birds are chirping in their nests and the sparrows all the day
Are busy under the house eaves weaving their nests of hay.
If I’m not burned to ashes then why not bury me
In that old graveyard on the hill preferably by a tree
Where in Spring birds will build their nest and sing their songs above where I lay
Though what happens to your remains when you are dead doesn’t matter some do say.
We all belong to Mother Nature and to her we must return sometime
The reaper takes the young and old and those in their life’s
And since I too must die I hope ’twill be when flowers are in full bloom
In the prime of Spring when the air scent sweetly of Nature’s own perfume.
Bury me in the Graveyard on the hill where peace is to be found
Beside a tree where birds nest and sing content in their home ground
A quiet place free of man made noise when Spring is in the air
In Nature’s bosom I will rest beyond any living care.

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