Many weak storms with heavy and also
Heaviest rains have lashed since festival of
Lights time on rendering many stranded
With no water, milk and food for many!
Govt. machinery is helpless to coup with
The most unexpected problem of unseen
Natural disaster after an elapse of 100 years
Filling all lakes and ponds with rain water!
After that overflowing rain water running
As rivers on city roads rendering passage of
Vehicles impossible unless they happen to be
Tall buses or vehicles of that type on the roads!
Sunshine is seen only today with little rain;
But the announcement of another storm brewing
With the already defunct storm bringing some
More rains makes all shudder with horror experienced!
Trains and planes have resumed their journeys
Giving relief for the people who want to go out to
Their native places for sometime before returning
To the city to restart their official works as usual!

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