From a village somewhere in the south of France
For one of his years that man can really dance.
On June of next year he will be seventy four
But he does not easily tire on the dance floor
As he is still as sprightly as most in their prime
And he is one who doesn’t bow to father time.
A grandfather three marriages he has been through
And of mistresses he’s had more than a few
His latest lady friend is fifty three
Could this be marriage number four who knows maybe?
A healthy fellow for his years Pierre
And he is one who doesn’t seem to have a care
His legend as a womanizer grow
As to him women seem to come and go.
He may seem old but old he does not feel
And to the fairer sex he still appeal
He has the looks to match his old world charm
And younger women to him seem to swarm.
He’s one who loves the party atmosphere
And he likes good wine and enjoys a good beer
And one thing of him one could never say
Is that he is one who has known a better day.
That accent that he brought from far away
Right till the end with him destined to stay
And men like him one well might say are rare
For there is so much for to like about in Pierre.

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