She thinks of the loves in her life
in the long, long ago often wondering
if they ever at times think of her.
Most will have moved on
and forgotten their first loves,
but in some the memories
will never die
of the endless summers then
or the teasing and the fun.
As the hours chime around her
the old lady remembers her lovers
and the children she had
who have all gone away
to live lives of their own
in different parts of the world.
As the darkness encroaches
she wonders how they all are.
Have they made their dreams come true
or are they still waiting in anticipation.
Unless they one day make contract
she will always sit and wonder.
Years follow years until
in the sunset of her days
when there is a knock on the door
and she is faced with her past.
Now she wonders no more
as the answers she now knows.
31 July 2015

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