By those who feel they know better the poets of our time
Those who look down on anyone who dare to pen rhyme.
To poetry readings the other poets her don’t invite
So in the Pub Poetry Corner her rhymes she recite
To half drunken fellows who talk of football
Without the slightest bit of interest in poetry at all.
Quite uncultured fellows and far from polite
When she is reciting they refuse to keep quiet
She tries to be heard above the Barroom din
But poetry not popular in the World of real men
Two nights in the Pub poetry Corner is more than she could take
She feels by going there in the first place an error of judgement she did make
She feels so insulted her confidence is destroyed
Though the poesy inspiration in her has not died.
The poet of the people she dreamed she might be
But after her pub experience she now knows differently
And though her verses are quite good to her it now seems clear
That the Pub only a place for consumption of spirits and beer.
The passing of time has left her looking gray
And the old poetess she has known a better day
The modern poetry lovers will not listen to rhyme
And reciting to pub men seems a waste of her time.

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