But they also have their health and hair loss worries as well as many other niggling fears
Their ageing bodies have less stores of energy and they are not as fit as they once used to be
Their sagging physique with more fat than muscle and nowadays they tire quite easily.
The younger people free of gray and wrinkles and the sheen of youth is on their skin and hair
And they can party all night without tiring and still have lots of energy to spare
But they are sadly lacking in experience and the amounts of wisdom they have garnered only small
When compared to people who are decades older but then suppose we never have it all.
The older man he wishes he were younger I’m not the man I was you hear him say
Still in his prime he lacked in wisdom and experience in wrinkles for such is the price one pay
So few younger women to an older man attracted unless of course he is one of high rank
A financially secure old sugar daddy with lots and lots of money in the bank.
The older woman to make herself look younger uses hair dye to mask the tell tale gray
And before she goes out she puts on heavy makeup as part of her war on physical decay
But in all other ways over younger women she has an advantage a wealth of life’s experience she enjoy
As well as the wisdom that the years have brought her the wisdom that time alone could only buy.
The younger people physically look better and signs of wear and tear they do not have to hide
Suppose in many ways it is a blessing to have the great gift of youth on your side
Still from the book of life the older people their stored knowledge and great wisdom can recall
And what we lack in one way we have in the other but then suppose we never have it all.

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