They herd the fish to shallow water and eat their prey alive
And of the shoal of little fish perhaps not one survive.
The pelicans of Tooradin so graceful in their flight
But they labour hard when taking off a fascinating sight
One of the largest birds of flight and with a splash they land
And that they’ve been known to fly for long distances seems
hard to understand.
The Pelicans of Tooradin not always chasing prey
On little island near the shore they rest for hours each day
And if gull or tern gets too close they open their massive bill
A bite from black backed pelican a smaller bird would kill.
Each time i go to Tooradin the Pelicans i see
They labour hard on taking off and they land so awkardly
And they work together as a team when they are chasing prey
And on little island near the shore they rest for hours each day.

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