He has defrauded so many women those who fell for his good looks and charm
He has proved himself a cold hearted scoundrel though outwardly he does seem warm.
Well to do single middle aged to ageing women for Mr Charmer are fair game
He has left them poorer and disappointed thanks be to goodness all men not the same
He tells them he loves them they believe him and when he mentions his money making scheme
In it they invest thousands of their money only to find he is not what he seem.
He targets the lonely and vulnerable his charm the key to her heart
But when he defrauds her of her money from her life he quickly depart
And he moves elsewhere to find a new soft touch for a carbon copy repeat
Some people are guileful and heartless and they cannot see the wrong in deceit.
Men like him don’t do men any favours by helping to cause a gender divide
And because of his type so many vulnerable women have their trust in all men destroyed
A bad experience with one like Mr Charmer enough for most women ’tis true that once bitten twice shy
And most women that love has cost dearly do never give love one more try
The police are searching for Mr Charmer for his crimes he will have to pay
He is bound for a lengthy span in prison what goes around comes around they say
He has preyed on the feelings of vulnerable women and they were financially secure
But he left them feeling quite bitter and because of him now they are poor

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