She’s only seventeen months old but she’s a little cutie
And those who know better than I say she’s a future beauty.
With dark brown hair and grey green eyes she’s quite a little talker
The seed to carry on the seed of Jodie Loebert and Doug Walker
Her mum and dad quite proud of her their precious human pearl
And they look to a bright future for their little baby girl.
I work with her dad each working day in cherry picker bucket
And I’ve heard him to use those words that sound so much like ‘muck it’
He likes his dog, he loves his spouse and dotes on his baby daughter
And he like the taste of Vic Bitter and prefer it far to water.
He tell me that his little girl has taken her first steps to glory
And who know one day some one may write the Lilli Walker story
And tell of the dark brown haired girl from a working class beginning
Who enjoyed the taste of sweet success, the sweet, sweet taste of winning.
The road that is beside her house is unsealed, twisty and hilly
And she’s the pride of Kalorama Doug and Jodie’s daughter Lilli,
She’s only seventeen months old but she’s a little cutie
And those who know better than I say she’s a future beauty.

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