She wilted like the rose that bloomed in Summer she did not live on for to grow old and gray
But i cannot believe that she is gone forever i would rather believe that she went away
To live in a world of joy and love and laughter where roses bloom the twelve months of the year
In a sunlit paradise of greenery and beauty where human soul has never shed a tear
Where in the leafy groves the birds are always singing and fruit trees laden with fruit all year round
Kate Ewenson lives in that world of plenty and true happiness she finally has found.
Weep not for Kate her suffering is over but weep for the living who suffer instead
Where she lives now she is feeling young and happy with an eternal life of happiness ahead
On this Planet she knew a lot of suffering and she’d been through a life of hell and pain
Her trials and tribulations all behind her and she’s found joy and happiness again.
The Kate i knew was a spiritual person and she was very likeable and kind
And in my memory she will keep on living her equals would be very hard to find
The grim reaper he came and took her early she did not live on to grow old and gray
And she now lives in a World of joy and sunshine and of eternal youth where she won’t age a day.

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