And Winter months were not too harsh and Spring was quick to follow
And cattle early out to grass in all parts of Duhallow.
And Con’s words I can still recall his wisdom well worth noting
And even to this very day some of his sayings I feel like quoting
He used to say life’s journey’s short and towards it’s end why hurry
And gray hairs only come too soon to those who fret and worry
The man was generous to a fault and I can well remember
The half a crown he once gave to me for my birthday in December
And that was back in the fifties when a half a crown could buy you plenty
For every shilling in those times nowadays you would need twenty.
His wife Dotie was generous too the woman was kind hearted
And Claraghatlea has not been the same since both of them departed
The times were tough and money scarce and hard to make a living
But they were not afraid to spend they had the gift of giving.
The Summer wet and not much sun and some farmers thought ‘disaster’
But we will still be here next year I’m quoting ‘Con the Master’
And Winter months were not too harsh and Spring was quick to follow
And cattle early out to grass in all parts of Duhallow.

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