Bats fly lumbering along the sky
Like black dots, they appear on high
The clouds over the firmament move swift
As the wind causes them to drift
The last glint of light still dances on the towers
A dainty fragrance spreads from opening flowers
The earth is clothed in the evening haze
And no more is seen the sun’s blaze
The sky grows pale, the flaming colors drained
And the distant scenes, almost blurred
In the fading twilight, shadows lengthen
And through the alleys silence strengthens
An invisible choir sings in the fading light
They seem to welcome the arrival of the night
The low slanting rays are no more amber or gold
Over the earth, a gray tint briskly does unfold
An inky shade darkens Day’s lovely face
Yet there lingers in her a charming grace
I don’t know if my thoughts now have any colour
Cannot say if they are of amber, gold, grey or a multicolour

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