We hear a lot of empty noises from Kim Beazley
And we know about the worth of Johnny Howard.
The Liberals and the Nationals only help their wealthy cronies
And the battlers Labor do not represent
And do not give your preference to one Nation
Unless you prefer living in a tent.
They say this will be a new tax election
But there is nothing new about the G.S.T.
It made the wealthy wealthier in New Zealand
And pushed the poor deep into poverty.
There is a politician worth voting for
The one who say I’ll take a drastic cut in pay
Get rid of federal cars and lead by good example
By riding my bike to Parliament each day.
Tax billionaires and wealthy multi Nationals
And treat all people equally and fair
This is the person I would love to vote for
If such a person happened to be there.
For in politics I doubt there’s such a person
Who by the power of good example lead
And politicians who favour the rich and famous
Make themselves party to condoning greed.
There is to be a federal election
And the incoming Government whoever they might be
Will only help their wealthy friends and cronies
And do nothing for to combat poverty.

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