In Greeley in Colorado in the U.S of A
Far north of here as the crow might fly more than half of a World away.
In the woods and groves of Greeley birds nesting in the Spring
And at the border of his territory the house finch chirp and sing
And in the parks and gardens the flowers and roses bloom
And the freshening winds are laden with Nature’s own perfume
Old Tom left his Hometown of Greeley when he was twenty four
And since he last was back there fifteen years have passed or more
He will be seventy one years on his birthday in May
And time too has left it’s mark on him the years have left him gray.
His wife Joan was an Aussie with the deceased she lay
Two years back in September from life she passed away
Their union was a happy one and with sadness he recall
That the day she breathed her last was his saddest day of all.
The man from Colorado a likeable old soul
And with his Primary school grand children down memory lane he stroll
And they beg him for more stories of Greeley where he lived as a boy
Far north of Gippsland in Victoria even as the crow might fly.
The man from Colorado the years have left him gray
But that accent he brought with him is with him for to stay
Until the reaper claim him when ever that may be
When he will go to join his wife in the grave yard by the sea.

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