In a long, long, long, long and long journey
Starts from the swing and ends to the cemetery;
Different times they face different situations
In different stages, positions and conditions
Somewhere pleasures and somewhere dangers
Some remember those glad and sad events;
Especially when the ship comes near the shore
The passengers are so excited in ecstasies
Forgetting the long pathetic past, long pains
Turned them deprived and reversed their lives,
Even they were near the imminent death door
Hells were impending and flashing before them
They had some spoiled things and useless helm
In the unknown, far, dark and oblivious ocean;
Hopelessness prolonged and stumbled them
Fearful darkness was frozen in their very eyes
They saw nothing in those hazy surroundings
They were thinking to face the inevitable death;
Now they never forget their past they overcame
Living in the present amenities and luxuries
They treat their past as significant, great histories
They take lessons from those to be resolved.
Copyright © Muzahidul Reza | 8 September, 2017

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