Yet why do we see them as special and build monuments in their name
When the World would be better without them they leave us their legacy of shame.
The great gift of power we give to them but their great gift of power they abuse
And they are glorified as war winners though the winners in wars also lose
For in war there never are winners since a so called war victory comes at a cost
Can one put a value in Human life and in war far too many lives lost.
The World is ruled by ageing egotistical males who allow their power to go to their head
And the surviving family members of the deceased war victims are left for to mourn for their dead
Yet the children of the War Leader from the battle are long miles away
And they too like their war mongering father will live on to be old and gray.
We elect them to power in the first place are we too blind to see the light
From our past mistakes we never learn and will we ever get it right
These egotistical non fighting so called warriors leave others to fight for their pride
And because of them and their stupid egos far too many young people have died.

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