About a matter of social significance as far as language,
Culture, arts and literature are concerned in the world!
It is like the difference between hill and plains of
Various fields that form the Earth we all live in long;
It is like the difference between subject and object of
Anything and everything we discuss in any world forum!
Subjective discussion and objective discussion are two
Different ways of analyzing matters of social importance;
It is like the discussion going on any issue between man
Of one book and many of my books or general knowledge…!
The problem is man of one book always talks based on one
Book, but man of general knowledge talks with multifaceted
Approach to any matter to have a thorough discussion to
Come to a broad understanding to make important decision!
Religion, philosophy and poetry only have messages of all
Subjects in one, if they are based on broad knowledge of
All subjects making one have a conviction that stands against
All ideas coming from different subject matters in the world!
But if it is not so, then knowledge of various subject only can
Be of great help to discuss issues to find truths behind all
Matters to have true understanding and knowledge necessary for life
To deal all at times of difficulties with wisdom and intelligence!

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