you just want to pack your bags
and distance yourself from everything.
You always want to help your friends
when they are feeling down,
but when it comes to yourself
you don’t want any ones help
when you are not on solid ground.
You’d rather be alone with your misery
than share your despair with anyone.
You’d rather try to work out
your problems on your own.
I know it may sound crazy,
but it’s the way I feel today.
11 March 2008

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with no one to talk to,
no one answers your telephone calls,
just an answering machine at the other end,
and don’t you just hate talking to machines,
no individuality and no spirit there.
On the internet, someone is available,
but no one replies to you
and suddenly you get that feeling
you’ve been deserted by everyone.
Your emails are never answered
and you wonder what you’ve said.
No one wants to chat to you
for some reason or another.
You get to feel that you’re isolated
within your own little sphere
and really, there is no one out there.
Finally, you work yourself up
to thinking no one really cares
and you are just isolated
on a deserted island of your own
in the middle of nowhere.
You then begin to pray someone
will answer one of your calls
and drive the desolation away.
21 February 2011

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So much for good intentions.
When you start to get
the old run around.
It seems that life
is going around in circles.
What started as a lead ahead
now has you thirty yards behind.
You feel like you should have stayed in bed
and got up the other side,
but you don’t.
Instead, you persevere
to go running round in circles
all the day long.
19 February 2008

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