This is the nature of our Indian politicians vying with one another
In canvassing for various political parties they are representing!
Independently no political party can win in election with majority;
Knowing this, they all queue in long lines for coalition partnership
With prospective winning main political parties of India now…….!
News media flare up only this kind of messages now and then ever!
It becomes easy for the common people to decide now itself who are
All strong and weak and who can deliver goods after the election and
Waiting for the election date to come to reject and elect as they like…!
This time choices are many as political parties in the fry are many….!
But the restrictions imposed by election commission for movements of
Valuables, cashes and goods by businessmen, family members about
To attend functions or dealing with cash payments or loan clearances
By various men in the usual way are great headaches till election is over!

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