To allow the grass to be trashed.
And walk past it.
Nor are they responsible,
For garbage tossed on concrete city streets.
Where steeples rise where those inside,
Pray and claim to hear God to them speak.
Many can be found observing the insanity,
Excused and ignored.
Perhaps by some adored!
As a consciousness like this seems sick.
And can not be accepted,
By those who chase this havoc away.
To prevent it at their doorsteps.
And like them,
I too could care less…
About what others do without a word of protest.
And if some find a decline is worthy of praise…
Why should they get upset,
That a few refuse to digest this mess.
Like the endorsements of relationships enforced…
When clearly a divorce from these situations diseased,
Has been the choice that has been sought!
‘Will those with minds of clarity…
No need to get uptight!
Continue to do what it is that is done.
The other ones will never get it right! ‘

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