To the shore desired to do what one likes and achieve joy of success
In the field one is best at to attain peace, bliss and satisfaction!
Rowing the boat with the oar, we can move on the water to the shore,
Though it is hard to perform, but it’s better than worrying over misfortune!
Relief we get from crossing the river or lake will minimize weight of worries
That our head feels carrying the heavy burden of grief of failure!
Failure by such a diversion of work will become the stepping stone to success
That surely helps one to climb to the top to feel cool being away from
The hot plains full of thorns and broken pieces of sharp stones wide
And a great relief one enjoys being made light by mystical floatation!
Worries are just passing clouds that are not attached to one as nail to finger
That can be cut whenever it grows beyond limit so as to make oneself free!

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