But he aint nothing but an average ‘hood’ dude who sits…
Thinking about what to do next,
To keep from being bored…
And exploring the life he is blessed with!
He hates to be complimented about things he does.
You would think he isn’t serious…
Because he seems delirious.
And he knows too well how he is perceived.
His persona has been crafted…
So he can have a peace of mind,
To be left alone!
And have folks believe what they please!
Loving to tease.
But keeping his privacy enjoyed.
And his life discreet!
Choosing to live life,
Without becoming annoyed.
You aint foolin’ nobody!
You just described yourself! ‘
I’m flattered you would feel that way.
But I am not nearly that egocentric.
‘Oh Yeah?
You’re the only one I know,
That can write and talk to yourself…
And at the same time!
You need to get out more!
Do something else with your mind! ‘
Excuse me?
And who are you to be passing judgement?
I don’t have to sit here and listen to this.
I am going for a walk.’
At least one of us is doing ‘something’ productive!

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