But their fame won’t live on forever though them the masses celebrate
For every living thing barring Mother Nature has on it set a time date.
Every living thing barring Mother Nature will eventually go into decay
And even from history’s pages be lost and forgotten one day
Suppose that’s what makes all things equal and whether we are buried or burn
Mother Nature is there to receive us and to her bosom we’ll return.
All of my best years behind me and I’ve lived most of my time span
Less than two years short of sixty soon I will be an old man
Every day nearer the last day that is the end for us all
To us then it will not matter if the living our names won’t recall.
Every living thing barring Mother Nature must bow to old father time
And though the achievements of some great people may outlive the great poet’s rhyme
Their fame has on it a time date it has often been said before
That only herself Mother Nature will live on forever more.

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