the Factor H,
so very crucial
it is a product
of just one acid
called Methionine.
Like Drano, brrrrr,
it scours and eats
the lining of all vessels.
Thus wrecks the roads
that bring new food
and oxygen and life,
to everywhere and nowhere.
It has been found
that Factor H
will tell about
your chances of
and prospects for
survival. It is your life.
So do pay heed
and look at yours
but never trust
your doctor, NO,
unless you know him
as a friend
and one who grasps
the real thing.
To live a life
of many years
there’s no need
now to invest,
in worldly goods
and precious gold
just have the one
your vital test,
the Homocysteine,
it’s called The Factor,
yes, Factor H,
and now you know.
All else is secondary,
worse, it is like dirt
that’s turned to dust.

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