those often referred to as the men of the Law
One might say they have got their friends and admirers though not everybody likes them ‘twould be fair to say
There are good cops and bad cops some people will tell you but then no one group is perfect it would seem that way.
So often we hear of fatal police shootings and though the police themselves have a right to defend
Sad to say far too many mentally ill people by the guns of police have met with a violent end
They are not trained for to deal with the mentally unbalanced and one fact with all of us bound to remain
That guns do kill people and death is forever and the dead cannot be returned to life again.
Police also die in the course of their duty for honour and glory too huge a price to pay
That their job is a dangerous job that goes without saying they come face to face with danger every day
They will always meet someone who strongly dislikes them one who look on the Police as an enemy
Someone nursing a grudge for the Law upholders in what most see as good a few evil only see.
They walk down the Town their guns in their holsters ready for to shoot if with trouble they meet
The men of the Law are performing their duty on the dimly lit street they are walking their beat
They die and kill others in the course of their duty a police person’s life is not an easy one
When they die under fire they are looked on as heroes but how can you thank the dead for a job well done.

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