and member the same strings
of sweet pain again and again
by moving my hand over the wounds
in 2002 they inflicted upon
then I come to them and ask
if I could wail at the grave of my girl friend
whom they cut through her belly
and throw over the oven of a bakery
no, they said as if it would create sound pollution
and if you do not obey orders
you know, how many we have silenced here
by putting our legs on their throats
even a devil could not keep the count
and at the court of justice
an expert lawyer could not counter
we have bribed them all
then I come again and beg them second time
if I may call my Lord
five times in a day
my Allah, My God
again they said
no, it disturbs them when
they are in sleep
here it is called India
a secular democratic state
where everything is possible
a murder in a minute
in a second a rape
but the rights of livelihood
especially of minorities
no, no, it is impossible
then I go to the tombs
of Alexander, Asoka,
Akbar and Babur
And ask them to call a congregation
Under the leadership of Buddha
Finally they meet and decided upon
That this land belongs to all
No matter how and who comes five thousand years ago
Or four thousand of years later
And who worships her like an idol
Or loves like a mother
You are all the sons and daughters
Of this great mother land
And number is a mere delusion
In the minds of thugs and mongers!
Since then I cry
I recall
And I wail
And prepare for a fight for a new dawn
And for a better India
For us all.

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