Or pull you down and cut you into sizes
As they don’t know forgiveness nor they know revenge is a bloody word
All these things happen because of their immaturity and
For the ignorance that they nurture a lot
Trees, flowers and rain shout at me and say I am wrong
I tell them I have a strong desire
And I wish my desire to be right was immediately fulfilled
But how can I? As I have seen rolling down from hills to valleys
From valleys to footpaths and sideways of roads
Burning, tearing and spilling of fresh blood
Here I find no wisdom, no sages i see to live
Quick money is wanted by everyone without going through any hardship
Everybody is blunt and all over here is the darkness of ferocity
Yet upon this cruel piece of land I become round and smooth
After every fall and collide I shun my claws and teeth
And shine brightly to pleasure the eyes of haughty and pride
And all these would not been possible
If I were not born before you all and roll for centuries after centuries
If I were not a piece of rock and later a piece of pebble

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