But I like to read books
So when I was once reading
‘’Some one is waiting for me’’
Surprisingly I was delighted too much
But it turned immediately
Out to be not true
As I was held the book
Up side down
Actually it was me who
Was waiting for some one
And I feared that the person
would never turned up
and very soon
And it became very true
Upon being very thirsty
At a distance I saw a pitcher
And thought
it would be full of water
like a thirsty crow
while I approached
I saw
to my bewilderment
the pitcher was kept
down side up
S—l –o—w—l—y
And I am sorry to tell
They all killed my faith
In me and in my fate
Even I do not believe in
Logic on this earth
nor I believe the date
on which I took birth
they are mere numbers
in between them
there are big gaps
long before where I completely lost

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