The year’s first flowers their brilliant hues display
And sun shine days cannot be far away.
Small song bird robin with the orange coloured breast
And with moss in beak commence to build her nest
And only one thought in her robin mind
To mate and hatch and bring forth robin kind.
It can’t be long now from the prime of Spring
When every bird with heart of song will sing
And wren and robin, blackbird, finch and thrush
Will sing on every hedgerow, tree and bush.
And skylark with the sweet melodious voice
Will fly off towards the heavens to rejoice
And far from haunts of man in wooded glen
Red fox cubs will sport outside their den.
And sun and shower and gentle Spring time breeze
Will bring to bloom fair wild flowers in green leas
And all day long in hedgerow nestling sound
And peace and joy and beauty will abound.
Though the cold breath of Winter still prevail
And moody winds of March blow down the vale
A nest building bird and flowers tell Spring is here
And pleasant sun shine days again draw near

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