abandoned in the street.
Everywhere I went she followed me,
eventually I stopped and picked her up
and put her inside my shirt to keep her warm.
I was frightened she might be killed
if I left her wandering there.
I made enquires to find her home,
but no one came forward to claim her.
We had her examined by our Vet
making sure she was OK
before introducing her
to our two boys that we already had.
Three years later,
she is a very loving and affectionate cat
who always loves to play.
She integrated well with the boys
and they all curl up together.
When they play no claws ever come out,
there are no hisses or snarls
only lots of preening done to one another.
They each have their own space
that they like when they want to be alone.
Charlie’s is an old shoebox under my desk
where she will curl up in whenever I am working.
The fools that abandoned her
never knew the prize they had.
A most loving pet
anyone could ever wish for.
19 July 2008

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