This is a curse, this is bliss
This is tumultuous, up is down, and down is up
Black is white, white black
Wrong is right, right is wrong
The systematic nature breaks down in miracles
The greatest miracle is of one having the anti—rules
The reason is our pride
But the anti- reason is crushing it
The more crushing is our unlimited ignorance!
The logic is our foundation
But too weak to hold the large building of anti-logic.
The scattered and haphazard things are found in a point
The strangeness of things is that the point is scattered and expanding
If expanding from the point is the rule and signifies life
Anti-rule, of course, the shrinking to the point and signifies the final death…
Annihilating everything from vanity to super intellect.
The historical knowledge is our capital
But too short to run the biggest business of baffling life
Nowhere you get the straight truth, this is the biggest truth
But the absolute truth is the irony of paradox
Where changing is the only rule
Randomness is very very fast
In the kingdom of bewilderment
King is the only changing wonder!
Contradiction is full of life
Disarray is the sister of perplexity,
Where conflict of ideas is in full agreement
To differ to each other in a peaceful atmosphere
To keep pace with the kaleidoscopic path of life
This is puzzling; this is confusing but life…
Life is a riddle; the riddle has to be revealed
But Mysteries multiplies in mysteries
Chaos and chasm are our enemies
People have not got yet any clue
But hope one day we can find and surely we can do! ,

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