As a place of great natural beauty a ten seconds walk to the sea
A gem in the heart of South Gippsland as most holiday makers agree.
By the highway to Phillip Island you won’t see big factories there
A place for the suburban holidaymakers for health restoring ocean air
Those who holiday in San Remo return to there year after year
From the pub you can see the ocean as you sit and sip from your beer.
It’s neither a town nor a village and it’s population I cannot recall
But it is worthy of a visit for it’s quite a nice place overall
A tiny dot on the map of Australia it’s main street not narrow or wide
And to the jetty near the bridge to the Island a few moored
fishing boats always tied.
It’s neither a town nor a village and can’t say how it came by it’s name
But it’s a place of natural beauty and it’s beauty is it’s claim to fame
Eighty miles from Melbourne’s eastern suburbs and a nice place for a holiday
And even a nice place to visit at the weekend for an overnight stay.

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