If kept polished and acknowledged!
If that piece increases to become ignored,
And perceived as not as important…
Forgotten to rot.
No longer adored.
The quality of the whole also loses,
As its stature and influence tilts
From a constant abuse,
Willed upon it.
And a prominence once gained,
Begins to show…
A detrimental change!
An ‘arrangement’ is damaged.
Unattended greatness,
Can not itself sustain.
With bits and pieces chipped away…
Unrecognized for its need to be nourished,
Constantly in conscious ways!
A pride falters and shallows in purpose.
Everything then begins to taint…
To oxizidize and rust!
Everything that did not contribute…
To the purity of its breath,
Becomes distrusted.
And beings to die,
A slow death from a life given to cherish.
And the whole that was,
Is no longer what it could have been!
Spinning out of control…
Until it fades,
And dust is all that remains to scatter.
Lost from its majestic magnetic hold!

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