Since she courted Jimmy Cotter and then became his wife
And a loving spouse and mother her two great roles in life.
Many of her children in Millstreet still live today
And when I was in my early teens years ago and far away
Mary Looney Cotter a young mother then with a growing family
But since a lot of water has flowed down Finnow on it’s way to the sea.
A kind and warm person goodness she did embrace
And she was one who always had a big smile on her face
A role model to her children and one beyond compare
And the Mary Cotters of this world to say the least are rare.
I have heard that Mary Cotter to the after life has gone
But in the memories of those who knew her she is still living on,
She married Jimmy Cotter when I was a young boy
And that was fifty years ago how time just seemed to fly.

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