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The only living creature,
That is totally yours,With a love and fidelityBeyond our understanding,Is your Dog,I Miss You So Much!Sandy……
There are certain things
A type of investigationInto thoughts you cannot seeBut that question,All of Life’s existence,Constantly.Let the mind never be quite,It’s best friend,Curiosity,Hand in hand,It goes with learning,Still so much to know and see,Only Knowledge makes you Free!
Oh the Mystery of the Human Mind,
All that it hides behind,All that it wants to hide,All it must never say,All its vanity and all its pride,All is Mystery in the Human Mind.
There are no ‘scandals’
That decide what’s right or wrong,They’re by far a ‘Motley Crew’,And in Amazement, People say.‘Who, Knew? ‘
The silent language of the eyes,
The mystery that lies,In all communication.Looks,That say so much,Caress and even touch,The Heart’s,Deepest palpitations.
With time,
Like a ton of bricks,And you realizeToo late,How to guide your lifeAnd avoid ‘all free’And stupid, risks.