Who stops you from living as you like?
This idea must remain at heart and strike
Noble people are those who live on with ideals
Their life is simple but in fact very real
They have nothing to hide or make deal
It is always their endeavor to have sympathy and feel
Human race is not what we have made
We need enough of digging with spade
The earth can be made soft and fertile
The garden can boom in its own way with style
We have forgotten the basic values
Humanity is not realized with its dues
If we can’t give good or worthwhile to anyone
We are shame on earth and hence claim none
Not everybody can be assured of lovely life
As everybody is expected to walk on an of knife
It can be made rosy and worth to live
If we adhere to and respect the life of others and believe
If you bow your head with respect
No one may have any kind of grudges to react
You will be given due weight age and recognition
Your word may find right place with consideration

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