first come to an honest
assessment of where we are!
not only where we are,
but how we got here…
we cannot put off the blame
on other people, governments,
or even corporations! where
we are is where we’ve allowed
ourselves to be!
when we sit silently by and
watch our human rights be taken;
when we allow profit at the expense
of people to become the norm….
when we allow the rape of the
environment to pad the pockets
of convenience… when we go to
war, blindly following, with our
heads stuck in the sand… we are
apathy is the unpardonable sin!
to be free, to fully realize freedom,
we have to work at it… both as
individuals, and in community!
we are one family, often dysfunctional,
but always one family… one family,
one race, THE HUMAN RACE!

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